I have been patiently awaiting the Great Pumpkin myself... Oh Linus, you are my kindred spirit.
I have to say, the Great Pumpkin is a well loved DVD at our house, and no, I don't have kids. My Husband likes to watch it as much as I do!
There are so many great parts of this show, and I could draw the parallels between the "Great Pumpkin" and God and how you can have faith in something you cannot see... but I'm sure you can figure that out yourself. Also, you could draw the same parallels between The Great Pumpkin and Santa Clause, and Santa and God aren't exactly in the same line of work.
This isn't a show that I grew up watching, actually, I watched the Christmas one more. I started to watch this in High School, and slowly but surely fell head over heels in love with the gang and their Halloween antics. Poor Charlie Brown always getting Rocks, and poor Linus who is constantly ridiculed for waiting for the great pumpkin... *Sigh, it's Love.
I don't love ALL Things Halloween in the animated world, I mean, have you seen Garfield Halloween?
But this, is the best animated Halloween special hands down!
I'll leave you with some quotes from IMDB and a clip from You Tube, as for me? I'm going to go watch the WHOLE thing! You should do that too, trust me, it will rekindle the little kid fire in your heart!

Sally Brown:
Do I get to go trick-or-treating this year, big brother?
Charlie Brown : Sure, Sally.
Sally Brown : Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy! How do we do it?
Lucy Van Pelt : All you have to do is walk up to a house, ring the doorbell and say "Tricks or treats."
Sally Brown : Are you sure it's legal?
Lucy Van Pelt : Of course it's legal.
Sally Brown : I wouldn't want to be accused of taking part in a rumble.
Charlie Brown : Sure, Sally.
Sally Brown : Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy! How do we do it?
Lucy Van Pelt : All you have to do is walk up to a house, ring the doorbell and say "Tricks or treats."
Sally Brown : Are you sure it's legal?
Lucy Van Pelt : Of course it's legal.
Sally Brown : I wouldn't want to be accused of taking part in a rumble.
Charlie Brown:
Well, another Halloween has come and gone.
Linus : Yes, Charlie Brown.
Charlie Brown : I don't understand it. I went trick-or-treating and all I got was a bag full of rocks. I suppose you spent all night in the pumpkin patch.
[Linus nods]
Charlie Brown : And the Great Pumpkin never showed up?
Linus : Nope.
Charlie Brown : Well, don't take it too hard, Linus. I've done a lot of stupid things in my life, too.
Linus : [furious] STUPID? What do you mean "stupid"? Just wait till next year, Charlie Brown. You'll see! Next year at this same time, I'll find the pumpkin patch that is *real* sincere and I'll sit in that pumpkin patch until the Great Pumpkin appears. He'll rise out of that pumpkin patch and he'll fly through the air with his bag of toys. The Great Pumpkin will appear and I'll be waiting for him! I'll be there! I'll be sitting there in that pumpkin patch... and I'll see the Great Pumpkin. Just wait and see, Charlie Brown. I'll see that Great Pumpkin. I'll SEE the Great Pumpkin! Just you wait, Charlie Brown. The Great Pumpkin will appear and I'll be waiting for him...
[the screen fades out and the show ends]
Linus : Yes, Charlie Brown.
Charlie Brown : I don't understand it. I went trick-or-treating and all I got was a bag full of rocks. I suppose you spent all night in the pumpkin patch.
[Linus nods]
Charlie Brown : And the Great Pumpkin never showed up?
Linus : Nope.
Charlie Brown : Well, don't take it too hard, Linus. I've done a lot of stupid things in my life, too.
Linus : [furious] STUPID? What do you mean "stupid"? Just wait till next year, Charlie Brown. You'll see! Next year at this same time, I'll find the pumpkin patch that is *real* sincere and I'll sit in that pumpkin patch until the Great Pumpkin appears. He'll rise out of that pumpkin patch and he'll fly through the air with his bag of toys. The Great Pumpkin will appear and I'll be waiting for him! I'll be there! I'll be sitting there in that pumpkin patch... and I'll see the Great Pumpkin. Just wait and see, Charlie Brown. I'll see that Great Pumpkin. I'll SEE the Great Pumpkin! Just you wait, Charlie Brown. The Great Pumpkin will appear and I'll be waiting for him...
[the screen fades out and the show ends]
Sally Brown:
I was robbed! I spent the whole night waiting for the Great Pumpkin, when I could have been out for tricks or treats.
[covers her mouth, as she realizes what she's saying]
Sally Brown : Halloween is over, and I missed it!
[pointing at Linus]
Sally Brown : You blockhead! You kept me up all night waiting for the Great Pumpkin, and all that came was a beagle! I didn't get a chance to go out for tricks or treats. And it was all your fault! I'll sue! What a fool I was! I could have had candy apples and gum and cookies and money and all sorts of things. But no! I had to listen to you, you blockhead. What a fool I was. Trick or treats come only once a year, and I missed it by sitting in a pumpkin patch with a blockhead.
[shakes Linus violently by his shirt]
[covers her mouth, as she realizes what she's saying]
Sally Brown : Halloween is over, and I missed it!
[pointing at Linus]
Sally Brown : You blockhead! You kept me up all night waiting for the Great Pumpkin, and all that came was a beagle! I didn't get a chance to go out for tricks or treats. And it was all your fault! I'll sue! What a fool I was! I could have had candy apples and gum and cookies and money and all sorts of things. But no! I had to listen to you, you blockhead. What a fool I was. Trick or treats come only once a year, and I missed it by sitting in a pumpkin patch with a blockhead.
[shakes Linus violently by his shirt]
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