Children dress up in
costumes and go house to house, asking for candy handouts with the
familiar cry of "trick or treat." There's another Halloween tradition
from Ireland that you can spot on porches all over the United States on
Oct. 31 -- the jack-o'-lantern.
Like most folklore, the history of
the jack-o'-lantern varies a little bit depending on who's telling the
story. But all stories involve a clever drunkard that pulls one over on
the devil.
Legend has it, in 18th-century Ireland, a foul-mouthed drunk
and disreputable miser named Stingy Jack asked the devil to go have a
drink with him. The devil obliged and when the bill came, there was that
awkward moment that we're all so familiar with. Jack expected the devil
to take care of things, and the devil thought Jack should pony up.
Seeing as how Jack had no money anyway, he convinced the devil to turn
himself into a six pence coin to pay the bill. The devil fell for it and
Jack skipped on the bill and kept the devil at bay by sliding the coin
into his pocket to lay at rest beside a silver cross.
The devil
was stuck in Jack's pocket, trapped by the cross, but Jack decided to be
a good egg and let him out, providing that the devil wouldn't come
after Jack for a period of one to 10 years, depending on who you ask.
The devil had no choice but to agree and once the coin was removed, he
turned himself back into the devil and went on his not-so-merry way. At
the end of the agreed upon timeframe, the devil found Jack for a little
Somehow, Jack convinced him to climb a tree in search of an
apple for Jack before they set off for hell. The horned one once again
obliged, only to see Jack carve a cross into the tree trunk, and leaving
the beast stranded again.
Jack must have felt bad, because he
agreed to let the devil down if he promised to never claim his soul for
Hell. The devil was caught between a rock and hard place once again, so
he agreed. When Jack died, St. Peter rejected him at the pearly gates
because of his suspect credentials. The devil wouldn't and couldn't let
Jack in to hell, per their agreement at the tree. In the end, Jack was
given a lump of burning coal by the devil to light his way through
purgatory. Jack carried the coal inside a hollowed out turnip.
families told the tale and began to put carved out turnips in their
windows to prevent Stingy Jack and other ghouls from entering the home.
Some had scary faces carved into them to frighten away any comers. Once
the tradition hit the United States, Irish immigrants soon realized that
the pumpkin, native to the states, was an ideal fruit for carving.
That's why you see jack-o'-lanterns on porches around Halloween.
This little story... brought to you by Howstuff works.
Kind of a fun story! Glad we don't carve turnips!
We're off to carve ours tonight!
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