Sunday, October 6, 2013


I found this sign at a local Halloween Party Store - I thought he was so cute! 

We're in the midst of moving out of our house this weekend, so sadly, he's in a Box somewhere.

I am living vicariously through the Countdown Bloggers and their Halloween Decorations because all of my Halloween Decorations are buried deep DEEP in my storage unit. That's unfortunately what happens when you have other people help you move your shit.


  1. Ugh, what a time to move! I've had people help move before - they were more concerned with getting stuff from A to B as quick as possible and not the condition it got there. I should have kicked whoever it was who thought it was a good idea to put the box with live plants in it in the bed of an open truck in January after dark in Michigan! Killed every single plant I had. Grr.

  2. No kidding!
    I have NO CLUE where my Halloween boxes are!
    Luckily, I kill plants myself so no one helped me do it in the move, but that totally sucks! I would imagine you had to start over from scratch!
